Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Removing the Halloween decorations, Charming Christmas, and Sinister sequel news

This week I took down the Halloween decorations, well except for the yellow Crime Scene tape which is still cordoning off the office where I’ve started stashing Christmas gifts.  The tape is supposed to keep the grandkids out.  (Yeah, right.)  Anyway, I hated to see the jack-o-lanterns, black cats and witches leave, but I guess there’s a time for everything and I’m already turning my sites onto Thanksgiving and Christmas.
On Sunday I got into the spirit of Christmas early by watching CHARMING CHRISTMAS on the Hallmark channel.  The movie was inspired by my friend Rosalind Noonan’s  CHARMING CHRISTMAS which is in the stores in book form now.  So it was fun to sit down with dark chocolate and wine and good friends.  We watched at Sister Nan’s house and had fun.  Roz and Nan had visited the set while the movie was being filmed so they were familiar with some of the scenes! 

Roz has been a friend for years, ever since she was an editor at Silhouette Books and bought Nan’s first novel . . . that was a few years back.  It was a young adult book originally titled ABBY’S CHANCE but was eventually renamed DARE TO LOVE.  Now thirty-odd years later the three of us write together at times.  Our first book was SINISTER, set in Wyoming.  SINISTER was a thriller with a murder mystery and a suspense/cowboy angle.  The book was out a few years back and sold well, so, now we’re working on the sequel, as yet untitled.  I’m almost done with the first section, then I’ll pass what I’ve written on to Roz.  When Roz has written her section and melded the two existing plot lines, she’ll pass it on to Nancy for her section and tying it all together.  Yeah, it’s a little complicated, but a lot of fun!   The new story is as yet unnamed, though we refer to it as Wyoming II or Sinisterer.  When it’s finished and we have a title and release date, I’ll let you know.  In the meantime, I’ll keep working on it and pack up all the skeletons and ghouls  to hide in the garage until next October.

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